Fathom for Users

Network performance monitoring and troubleshooting with Fathom

Contribute Data for Research

Fathom is a research project and we use the extension to collect data for our research on network quality of experience and root cause detection of performance degradations.

Data sharing is optional and you can use the Fathom extension and tools without contributing any data. We ask you for your permission for data sharing upon installation and first run of the tools that share data.

When contributing pageload monitoring data, our goal is not to track your browsing behavior and by default the names of the sites you visit are all anonymized. This means that we cannot know which sites you visit or if you and another Fathom user have visited the same sites. However, in order to be able to study the network performance across users and various networks, we do not anonymize the identify of a small set of popular domains (such as google.com). You can visualize and edit the domain name whitelist in the extension preferences at anytime. Any personally identifiable information (such as URL request parameters) are always removed.

The collected data is stored on our secure servers and never shared with 3rd parties. In accordance with the French legislation (see the full data protection notice in french below) you have the right to access and correct, or for legitimate reasons, deny processing of any data conserning you by contacting us.

Privacy Policy

Les informations recueillies font l’objet d’un traitement informatique destiné à l'etude de la qualité d’experience Internet et le diagnostique des "root causes" des degradations de performance. Les destinataires des données sont : l'équipe MUSE / Inria Paris-Rocquencourt.

Conformément à la loi « informatique et libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée en 2004, vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux informations qui vous concernent, que vous pouvez exercer en vous adressant à Fathom Team.

Vous pouvez également, pour des motifs légitimes, vous opposer au traitement des données vous concernant.

 2014-2015 Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, ICSI -- Send us Feedback