Module: fathom/tools/ping

ping (udp/tcp/http) client/server implementation in using nspr API directly


(static) server_start(func, opt, incrementaloutput)

Start ping server.
Name Type Description
func function The callback function to invoke when results are available. First callback returns the server id.
opt object The command line arguments. Valid keys include: proto (default udp), port (default 5790).
incrementaloutput boolean Send incremental output (optional - default false).

(static) server_stop(id)

stop running ping server.
Name Type Description
id number The id returned by the start call.

(static) start(callback, dst, opt, incrementaloutput)

Start a ping client. The implementation runs a ping client in a ChromeWorker thread and reports results either incrementally or at completion. The implementation supports the following methods: - xmlhttpreq : Browser XmlHttpRequest HEAD request, no other payload. Works with any destination. - http : HTTP HEAD using Fathom tcp socket, no payload. Works with any destination. - ws : WebSocket based ping. Works only with the measurement server(s). - udp : UDP ping using Fathom sockets. Works between Fathom nodes and with the measurement server(s). - tcp : TCP ping using Fathom sockets. Works between Fathom nodes and with the measurement server(s).
Name Type Description
callback function The callback function to invoke when results are available.
dst string The host to ping.
opt object The command line arguments. Valid keys include: count (default 3), interval (default 1000ms), packetsize (default 56B), proto (xmlhttpreq, ws, http, udp - default), port (default 5790), timeout (default 10s).
incrementaloutput boolean Send incremental output (optional - default false).