Source: api.js

   Fathom - Browser-based Network Measurement Platform

   Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Inria Paris-Roquencourt 
                           International Computer Science Institute (ICSI)

   See LICENSE for license and terms of usage. 

 * @fileoverfiew The Fathom API content script.
 * @author Anna-Kaisa Pietilainen <> 

// All methods depend on the contentscripts/main.js. The API
// methods are in this separate file just for readability and so 
// that we can easily compile the API documentation for it.

 * @description The complete Fathom API.
 * @module fathom
var fathomapi = {};

//--------------------- FATHOM.SYSTEM --------------------------

 * @description fathom.system.* namespace. Methods for obtaining various 
 * system and browser information and for running system commands such 
 * as nslookup, ping or iperf.
 * @exports fathom/system
var sys = fathomapi.system = {};

 * @description This function returns the client OS name.
 * @return {string} OS name.
sys.getOS = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getOS");

 * @description This function runs a traceroute to the given
 * destination and, upon completion, returns the results as JSON.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {string} host  - The host (name or IP/IPv6 address) to run a
 * traceroute to.
 * @param {object} opt - Optional parameters (count, iface, waittime).
 * @param {boolean} incrementaloutput - Incremental output (optional - default false).
sys.doTraceroute = function(callback, host, opt, incrementaloutput) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "doTraceroute", [host,opt], incrementaloutput);

 * @description This function runs an ICMP ping to the given
 * destination and, upon completion, returns the results as JSON.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {string} host - The host (name or IPv4/IPv6 address) to ping.
 * @param {object} opt - Optional parameters (count, iface, interval, bcast).
 * @param {boolean} incrementaloutput - Send incremental output (optional - default false).
sys.doPing = function(callback, host, opt, incrementaloutput) {
    makereq(callback, "system","doPing", [host,opt], incrementaloutput);

 * @description This function runs an ICMP ping to a host at given
 * number of hops away and, upon completion, returns the results as JSON.
 * The implementation uses a ping with TTL=hop to figure out the IP address
 * to ping. May fail if the host does not reply with 'time to live exceeded'.
 * If hop=0, pings the loopback interface.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {string} hop - The hop (0 == localhost, 1 == default gateway, etc) to ping.
 * @param {object} opt - Optional parameters (count, iface, interval, bcast).
 * @param {string} dst - The destination towards which the route is resolved (optional).
 * @param {boolean} incrementaloutput - Send incremental output (optional - default false).
sys.doPingToHop = function(callback, hop, opt, dst, incrementaloutput) {
    makereq(callback, "system","doPingToHop", [hop,opt,dst], incrementaloutput);

 * @description This function emulates traceroute using ping (for platforms that do
 * not have traceroute or when UDP is blocked).
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {string} host  - The host (name or IP/IPv6 address) to run a
 * ping traceroute to.
 * @param {object} opt - Optional parameters (count, iface, interval, timeout).
 * @param {boolean} incrementaloutput - Send incremental output (optional - default false).
sys.doPingTr = function(callback, host, opt, incrementaloutput) {
    makereq(callback, "system","doPingTr", [host,opt], incrementaloutput);

 * @description This function runs system iperf (client mode) to the given
 * destination and, upon completion, returns the results as JSON.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {string} host - The host (name or IPv4 address) of the server.
 * @param {object} opt  Optional parameters (proto, bandwidth,
 *                      time, num, port, len, window).
 * @param {boolean} incrementaloutput Send incremental output.
sys.doIperf = function(callback, host, opt, incrementaloutput) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "doIperf", [host, opt], inc);

 * @description This function retrieves information about the
 * DNS resolver configuration.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getNameservers = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getNameservers");

 * @description Get the hostname.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getHostname = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getHostname");

 * @description Call nslookup to resolve host names.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {string} arg - The name to lookup.
sys.nslookup = function(callback, arg) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "nslookup", [arg]);

 * @description This function retrieves the list of all available network 
 * interfaces and their configuration.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getInterfaces = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getInterfaces");

 * @description This function retrieves the list of active network interfaces
 * and their configuration. 
 * An interface is considered active if the OS has explicitely flagged it as 
 * active or if the interface has a configured IP address.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getActiveInterfaces = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getInterfaces", [true]);

 * @description This function retrieves the wireless network
 * interface and its configuration (if available).  
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getWifiInterface = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system","getWifiInterface");

 * @description This function retrieves the current contents of the ARP 
 * cache.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {string} hostname - Get the arp cache info only for the specified
 *                            host (optional, default is all).
sys.getArpCache = function(callback, hostname) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getArpCache", [hostname]);

 * @description This function retrieves the client's current routing table
 * and the default gateway.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getRoutingTable = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getRoutingTable");

 * @description This function gets the list of nearby wireless 
 * access points.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {integer} timeout - The delay in milliseconds between scan 
 * start and second call to fetch the results. Default 5000ms (5 sec).
sys.getWifiNetworks = function(callback, timeout) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getWifiNetworks", [timeout]);

 * @description This function retrieves interface performance
 * counters (bytes, packets, errors, etc).
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getIfaceStats = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getIfaceStats", []);

 * @description This function retrieves link quality parameters
 * for WiFi interfaces.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getWifiSignal = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getWifiSignal", []);

 * @description This function retrieves the client's current system 
 * load using "top". Not available on windows platform.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getLoad = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getLoad");

 * @description This function retrieves the client's current memory 
 * use. Not available on darwin platform.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getMemInfo = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getMemInfo");

 * Get the browser's proxy configuration for a particular URL using XPCOM APIs (see 
 * <a href=''>MDN</a> for more info).
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
 * @param {string} url - The URL for which the function looks up the
 * applicable proxy configuration.
 * @return {dictionary} The result describes the proxy. For
 * explanation of the dictionary keys, see
 * <a href=''>MDN</a>.
sys.getProxyInfo = function(callback, url) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getProxyInfo",[url]);

 * Get the browser's memory use using XPCOM APIs (see 
 * <a href=''>MDN</a> for more info).
 * Currently disabled on OS X due to a bug #1122322 that causes the browser to crash erratically.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once the
 * call completes. On error contains "error" member.
sys.getBrowserMemoryUsage = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getBrowserMemoryUsage");

 * @description Get the certificate chain information for the specified uri using XPCOM APIs (see 
 * <a href=''>MDN</a> for more info).
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the response or 
 * an object with error field in case of failure. 
 * @param {string} uri The complete uri for which the certificate chain should be
 * resolved.
sys.getCertificateChain = function(callback, uri) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "getCertChain", [uri]);

 * @description  This function uses XPCOM APIs to resolve the IP address of the URL's hostname (see 
 * <a href=''>MDN</a> for more info).
 * @param {function} callback Fathom invokes this callback upon
 * arrival of the DNS response. If successful, the callback
 * receives a dictionary whose members convey the DNS response.
 * @param {string} url  URL containing the name to look up.
sys.resolveUrl = function(callback, url) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "resolveUrl", [url]);

 * @description  This function uses XPCOM APIs to resolve the IP address of the hostname (see 
 * <a href=''>MDN</a> for more info).
 * @param {function} callback Fathom invokes this callback upon
 * arrival of the DNS response. If successful, the callback
 * receives a dictionary whose members convey the DNS response.
 * @param {string} url  URL containing the name to look up.
sys.resolveHostname = function(callback, hostname) {
    makereq(callback, "system", "resolveHostname", [hostname]);

//--------------------- FATHOM.SOCKET --------------------------

 * @description fathom.socket.* namespace. Low level TCP/UDP sockets.
 * Works with IPv4 only for now.
 * @exports fathom/socket
var s = fathomapi.socket = {};

 * @description This function closes a socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @socketid {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
s.close = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket", "close", [socketid]);

 * @description Get the local address of this socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @socketid {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
s.getHostIP = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket", "getHostIP", [socketid]);

 * @description Get the peer address of this socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @socketid {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
s.getPeerIP = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket", "getPeerIP", [socketid]);

 * @description This component provides functions for sending and
 * receiving broadcast messages using UDP over IPv4.
 * @exports fathom/socket/broadcast
var broadcast = s.broadcast = {};

 * @description This function opens a socket suitable for
 * transmitting broadcast messages.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, its only argument is
 * a numerical socket ID.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
broadcast.openSendSocket = function (callback) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.broadcast", "broadcastOpenSendSocket", []);

 * @description This function opens a broadcast socket and binds
 * it to the given port.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, its only argument is
 * a numerical socket ID.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} port The local port on which the socket will
 * listen for broadcast messages.
broadcast.openReceiveSocket = function (callback, port) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.broadcast", "broadcastOpenReceiveSocket", [port]);

 * @description This function closes a broadcast socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @socketid {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
broadcast.close = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.broadcast", "close", [socketid]);

 * @description This function transmits data on a broadcast socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
 * @param {string} msg  The message to transmit.
 * @param {string} ip The broadcast IPv4 address to send to.
 * @param {integer} port  The (UDP) port to send to.
broadcast.sendTo = function(callback, socketid, msg, ip, port) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.broadcast", "udpSendTo", 
	    [socketid, msg, ip, port]);

 * @description On a socket created via openReceiveSocket(),
 * this function receives data.
 * @param {function} callback - The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, its only argument is
 * a string containing the received message.  On error, its only
 * argument is a dictionary whose member "error" describes the
 * problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid - The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} timeout - Time to wait for the data (in ms), < 0 waits
 * forever, 0 no wait (default).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
broadcast.recvFrom = function (callback, socketid, asstring, timeout, size) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.broadcast", "udpRecvFrom", 
 * @description This component provides functions for sending and
 * receiving multicast messages using UDP over IPv4.
 * @exports fathom/socket/multicast
var multicast = s.multicast = {};

 * @description This function opens a multicast socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} ttl The multicast TTL, i.e., the number of
 * hops the datagram can traverse, doubling as the multicast
 * "threshold" of host/network/site/etc.
 * @param {boolean} loopback If True, this host will receive its own messages.
 */ = function (callback, ttl, loopback) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.multicast", "multicastOpenSocket", [ttl,loopback]);

 * @description Join the given multicast group
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, its only argument is
 * a numerical socket ID.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @socketid {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
 * @param {string} ip  The IPv4 address of the multicast group to join.
multicast.join = function (callback, socketid, ip, port, reuse) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.multicast", "multicastJoin", 
	    [socketid, ip, port, reuse]);

 * @description This function closes a multicast socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @socketid {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
multicast.close = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.multicast", "close", [socketid]);

 * @description This function sends data over a UDP socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {string} data  Data to send.
multicast.send = function(callback, socketid, data) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.multicast", "send", [socketid, data]);

 * @description This function receives data on a UDP socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} timeout - Time to wait for the data (in ms), < 0 waits
 * forever, 0 no wait (default).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
multicast.recv = function(callback, socketid, asstring, timeout, size) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.multicast", "recv", 

 * @description This function sends data on a UDP socket and
 * reads subsequently returned responses.  This function is an
 * optimization, saving one message-passing roundtrip into the
 * Fathom core to read the response after having sent data.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {string} data  Data to send.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} timeout - Time to wait for the data (in ms), < 0 waits
 * forever, 0 no wait (default).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
multicast.sendrecv = function(callback, socketid, data, asstring, timeout, size) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.multicast", "udpSendRecv", 

 * @description This function establishes a callback to get
 * invoked automatically whenever data arrive on a given UDP
 * socket.  To stop receiving, call recvstop().
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
multicast.recvstart = function(callback, socketid, asstring, size) {
    if (asstring === undefined) {
    	asstring = false;
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvStart", 
	    [socketid, asstring, size], true);

 * @description This function cancels the callbacks previously
 * installed via recvstart().
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
multicast.recvstop = function(callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvStop", [socketid]);

 * @description This function sends data over a UDP socket, to a
 * specific destination.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {string} data  Data to send.
 * @param {string} ip  IP address to send to.
 * @param {integer} port  Port to send to.

multicast.sendto = function(callback, socketid, data, ip, port) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpSendTo", 
	    [socketid, data, ip, port]);

 * @description This function receives data on a UDP socket,
 * from a specific sender.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} timeout - Time to wait for the data (in ms), < 0 waits
 * forever, 0 no wait (default).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
multicast.recvfrom = function(callback, socketid, asstring, timeout, size) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvFrom", 

 * @description This function establishes a callback to get
 * invoked automatically whenever data arrive on a given UDP
 * socket, from a specific sender.  To stop receiving, call
 * recvfromstop().
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
multicast.recvfromstart = function(callback, socketid, asstring, size) {
    if (asstring == undefined) {
    	asstring = false;
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvFromStart", 
	    [socketid, asstring, size], true);

 * @description This function cancels the callbacks previously
 * installed via recvfromstart().
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
multicast.recvfromstop = function(callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvStop", [socketid]);

 * @description This component provides APIs for communication over
 * TCP.
 * @exports fathom/socket/tcp
var tcp = s.tcp = {};

 * @description This function creates a TCP socket and connects
 * it to the given destination.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  When successful, its only argument
 * is a socket descriptor.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {string} destip  IP address to connect to.
 * @param {integer} destport  Port to connect to.
tcp.openSendSocket = function (callback, destip, destport) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.tcp", "tcpOpenSendSocket", 
	    [destip, dstport]);

 * @description This function creates a TCP socket, binds it
 * locally to the given port, and listens for connections.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  When successful, its only argument
 * is a socket descriptor.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} port - Port to listen on.
 * @param {boolean} reuse - Reuse the port.
tcp.openReceiveSocket = function (callback, port, reuse) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.tcp", "tcpOpenReceiveSocket", 
	    [port, reuse]);

 * @description This function closes a TCP socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @socketid {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
tcp.close = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.tcp", "close", [socketid]);

 * @description This function sends data over the TCP connection
 * identified by the given socket ID.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the send call returns.
 * @param {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
 * @param {string} data  The data chunk to transmit.
tcp.send = function (callback, socketid, msg) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.tcp", "send", [socketid, msg]);

 * @description This function receives data on a TCP connection.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes either
 * when an error has occurred or when data has arrived.  When
 * successful, its only argument is the received data chunk.  On
 * error, its only argument is a dictionary whose member "error"
 * describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} timeout - Time to wait for the data (in ms), < 0 waits
 * forever, 0 no wait (default).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
tcp.recv = function (callback, socketid, asstring, timeout, size) {
    if (asstring == undefined) {
    	asstring = false;
    makereq(callback, "socket.tcp", "recv", 

 * @description This function returns the IP address of the
 * local endpoint of a given TCP connection.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes either
 * when an error has occurred or when data has arrived.  When
 * successful, its only argument is the local IP address.  On
 * error, its only argument is a dictionary whose member "error"
 * describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
tcp.getHostIP = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.tcp", "getHostIP", [socketid]);

 * @description This function returns the IP address of the
 * remote endpoint of a given TCP connection.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes either
 * when an error has occurred or when data has arrived.  When
 * successful, its only argument is the remote IP address.  On
 * error, its only argument is a dictionary whose member "error"
 * describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained from one of the opening functions.
tcp.getPeerIP = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.tcp", "getPeerIP", [socketid]);

 * @description This component provides APIs for unicast
 * communication over UDP.  For multicast and broadcast options,
 * see the respective namespaces.
 * @exports fathom/socket/udp
var udp = s.udp = {};

 * @description This function creates a UDP socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  When successful, its only argument
 * is a socket descriptor ID.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 */ = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpOpen", []);

 * @description This function closes a UDP socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @socketid {integer} socketid  The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
udp.close = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "close", [socketid]);

 * @description This function binds a UDP socket to a local IP
 * address and port.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {string} addr - local IP address to bind to.
 * @param {integer} port - Port to listen on.
 * @param {boolean} reuse - Reuse the port.
udp.bind = function(callback, socketid, addr, port, reuse) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpBind", 
	    [socketid, addr, port, reuse]);

 * @description This function connects a UDP socket to a remote
 * IP address and port.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {string} addr  IP address to connect to.
 * @param {integer} port  Port to connect to.
udp.connect = function(callback, socketid, addr, port) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpConnect", [socketid, addr, port]);

 * @description This function sends data over a UDP socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {string} data  Data to send.
udp.send = function(callback, socketid, data) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "send", [socketid, data]);

 * @description This function receives data on a UDP socket.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} timeout - Time to wait for the data (in ms), < 0 waits
 * forever, 0 no wait (default).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
udp.recv = function (callback, socketid, asstring, timeout, size) {
    if (asstring === undefined) {
    	asstring = false;
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "recv", 

 * @description This function sends data on a UDP socket and
 * reads subsequently returned responses.  This function is an
 * optimization, saving one message-passing roundtrip into the
 * Fathom core to read the response after having sent data.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {string} data  Data to send.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} timeout - Time to wait for the data (in ms), < 0 waits
 * forever, 0 no wait (default).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
udp.sendrecv = function(callback, socketid, data, asstring, timeout, size) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpSendRecv", 

 * @description This function establishes a callback to get
 * invoked automatically whenever data arrive on a given UDP
 * socket.  To stop receiving, call recvstop().
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
udp.recvstart = function(callback, socketid, asstring, size) {
    if (asstring == undefined) {
    	asstring = false;
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvStart", 
	    [socketid,data,asstring,size], true);

 * @description This function cancels the callbacks previously
 * installed via recvstart().
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
udp.recvstop = function(callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvStop", [socketid]);

 * @description This function sends data over a UDP socket, to a
 * specific destination.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes. On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {string} data  Data to send.
 * @param {string} ip  IP address to send to.
 * @param {integer} port  Port to send to.
udp.sendto = function(callback, socketid, data, ip, port) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpSendTo", 
	    [socketid, data, ip, port]);

 * @description This function receives data on a UDP socket,
 * from a specific sender.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} timeout - Time to wait for the data (in ms), < 0 waits
 * forever, 0 no wait (default).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
udp.recvfrom = function(callback, socketid, asstring, timeout, size) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvFrom", 

 * @description This function establishes a callback to get
 * invoked automatically whenever data arrive on a given UDP
 * socket, from a specific sender.  To stop receiving, call
 * recvfromstop().
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  If successful, the function
 * receives a dictionary with two members: "data" for the data
 * actually read, and "length" for the full length of the data
 * chunk received.  On error, its only argument is a dictionary
 * whose member "error" describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
 * @param {boolean} asstring - Return the bytes as string (default false).
 * @param {integer} size - Number of bytes to read (or 0 to ignore - default).
udp.recvfromstart = function(callback, socketid, asstring, size) {
    if (asstring == undefined) {
    	asstring = false;
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvFromStart", 
	    [socketid,asstring,size], true);

 * @description This function cancels the callbacks previously
 * installed via recvfromstart().
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes once
 * the operation completes.  On error, its only argument is a
 * dictionary whose member "error" describes the problem that
 * occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid The socket handle previously
 * obtained for this UDP flow.
udp.recvfromstop = function(callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "udpRecvStop", [socketid]);

 * @description This function returns the IP address of the
 * local endpoint of a given UDP flow.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes either
 * when an error has occurred or when data has arrived.  When
 * successful, its only argument is the local IP address.  On
 * error, its only argument is a dictionary whose member "error"
 * describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid  The socket handle identifying the
 * UDP flow.
udp.getHostIP = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "getHostIP", [socketid]);

 * @description This function returns the IP address of the
 * remote endpoint of a given UDP flow.
 * @param {function} callback The callback Fathom invokes either
 * when an error has occurred or when data has arrived.  When
 * successful, its only argument is the remote IP address.  On
 * error, its only argument is a dictionary whose member "error"
 * describes the problem that occurred.
 * @param {integer} socketid  The socket handle identifying the
 * UDP flow.
udp.getPeerIP = function (callback, socketid) {
    makereq(callback, "socket.udp", "getPeerIP", [socketid]);

//--------------------- FATHOM.PROTO --------------------------

 * @description fathom.proto.* namespace. 
 * @exports fathom/proto
var proto = fathomapi.proto = {};

 * @description HTTP protocol implementation using fathom sockets.
 * NOTE, you should use the built-in browser xmlhttprequest API 
 * for fetching HTTP resources, this implementation provides just a basic 
 * support of HTTP for testing/measurement purposes only.
 * @exports fathom/proto/http
var http = proto.http = {};
 * @description  This function creates an HTTP protocol object
 *               and connects to the given server.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the protocol 
 * object id or an object with error field in case of failure.
 * @param {string} ip  The server IP.
 * @param {integer} port The server port (default 80).
http.create = function(callback, ip, port) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.http", "create", [ip, port]);

 * @description  Send HTTP request.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 * error field in case of failure. 
 * @param {integer} id  The HTTP object id returned from the 'create' API.
 * @param {string} method  This is the HTTP method to be used -- GET, POST, etc.
 * @param {string} path   The resource name to fetch.
 * @param {object} headers    This represents the HTTP headers associated 
 * with the request.
 * @param {string} data    This is the query string for the request. 
 * It can null in case of GET.
http.send = function(callback, httpid, method, path, headers, data) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.http", "send", 
	    [httpid, method, path, headers, data]);
 * @description  Receive HTTP response.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the response or 
 * an object with error field in case of failure. 
 * @param {integer} id  The HTTP object id returned from the 'create' API.
http.receive = function(callback, httpid) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.http", "receive", [httpid]);

 * @description  This function closes the HTTP connection.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 * error field in case of failure. 
 * @param {integer} id  The HTTP object id returned from the 'create' API.
http.close = function(callback, httpid) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.http", "close", [httpid]);

 * @description DNS protocol implementation using fathom sockets.
 * NOTE, for regular IP lookups the system.resolve* methods are preferred. 
 * This implementation is basic and should be used for troubleshooting 
 * only.
 * @exports fathom/proto/dns
var dns = proto.dns = {};
 * @description  This function creates a DNS object.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the object id or 
 * an object with error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {string} server  This is the IP for the DNS resolver.
 * @param {string} proto  Indicates the protocol to be used for 
 * communication with the resolver, i.e., either 'udp' or 'tcp' (optional).
 * @param {integer} port  This the port to be used on the resolver (optional).
dns.create = function(callback, server, proto, port) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.dns", "create", [server, proto, port]);

 * @description  Lookup the given dns name using Fathom DNS implementation..
 * @param {function} callback Fathom invokes this callback upon
 * arrival of the DNS response.  If successful, the callback
 * receives a dictionary whose members convey the DNS response.
 * @param {integer} id  The DNS object id returned from the 'create' API.
 * @param {string} host  The hostname.
 * @param {integer} timeout The time to wait for a response (seconds).
dns.lookup = function(callback, dnsid, host, timeout) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.dns", "lookup", [dnsid, host, timeout]);

 * Cleanup and close any pending lookups.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 * error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id  The DNS object id returned from the 'create' API.
dns.close = function(callback, dnsid) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.dns", "close", [dnsid]);

 * @description mDNS protocol implementation using fathom sockets.
 * @exports fathom/proto/mdns
var mdns = proto.mdns = {};

 * @description  This function creates and returns a mDNS object.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the object id or 
 * an object with error field in case of failure.  
mdns.create = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.mdns", "create", []);

 * @description Perform mDNS service search.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the responses or 
 * an object with error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id  The mDNS object id returned from the 'create' API.
 * @param {integer} timeout The time to wait for responses (seconds).
mdns.discovery = function(callback, mdnsid, timeout) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.mdns", "discovery", [mdnsid, timeout]);

 * Cleanup and close any pending lookups.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 * error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id  The mDNS object id returned from the 'create' API.
mdns.close = function(callback, mdnsid) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.mdns", "close", [mdnsid]);

 * @description UPnP protocol implementation using fathom sockets.
 * @exports fathom/proto/upnp
var upnp = proto.upnp = {};

 * @description  This function creates and returns a mDNS object.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the object id or 
 * an object with error field in case of failure.  
upnp.create = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.upnp", "create", []);

 * @description Perform UPnP service search.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the responses or 
 * an object with error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id  The UPnP object id returned from the 'create' API.
 * @param {integer} timeout The time to wait for responses (seconds).
upnp.discovery = function(callback, upnpid, timeout) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.upnp", "discovery", [upnpid, timeout]);

 * Cleanup and close any pending lookups.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 * error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id  The UPnP object id returned from the 'create' API.
upnp.close = function(callback, upnpid) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.upnp", "close", [upnpid]);

 * @description JSONRPC protocol implementation with Fathom sockets (tcp/udp)
 *              or using HTTP (XMLHttpRequest). Client side can use all
 *              three protocols, local server only supports UDP for now.
 * @exports fathom/proto/jsonrpc
var jsonrpc = proto.jsonrpc = {};

 * @description  This function creates and returns a JSONRPC object.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns the object id or 
 *                            an object with error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {string} dst The destination IP if client else acts as server.
 * @param {int} port The destination port (or listen port for server).
 * @param {boolean} server Server mode ? (default false).
 * @param {string} proto One of 'udp' (default), 'multicast', 'tcp' (cli only)
 *                       or 'http' (cli only).
 * @param {string} path Url base path (http only - default /).
jsonrpc.create = function(callback, dst, port, server, proto, path) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.jsonrpc", "create", [dst, port, server, proto, path]);

 * @description Listen for incoming requests (server only).
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 *                            error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id  The JSONRPC object id returned from the 'create' API.
jsonrpc.listen = function(callback, id) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.jsonrpc", "listen", [id]);

 * @description Send response to incoming requests (server only).
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 *                            error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id    The JSONRPC object id returned from the 'create' API.
 * @param {object} res    The req object with added result field (empty if error)
 * @param {string} error  Error code in case of failure (else undefined).
jsonrpc.sendres = function(callback, id, res, error) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.jsonrpc", "sendres", [id, res, error]);

 * @description Make a RPC request (client only).
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 *                            error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id        The JSONRPC object id returned from the 'create' API.
 * @param {string} method     The JSONRPC method to call.
 * @param {Array} params      The parameters for the RPC call.
 * @param {string} module     The URL module path (http request only, optional).
 * @param {string} urlparams  The URL params (http request only, optional).
jsonrpc.makereq = function(callback, id, method, params, module, urlparams) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.jsonrpc", "makereq", [id, method, params, module, params]);

 * @description Close server/client.
 * @param {function} callback The return callback. Returns an object with 
 *                            error field in case of failure.  
 * @param {integer} id  The JSONRPC object id returned from the 'create' API.
jsonrpc.close = function(callback, id) {
    makereq(callback, "proto.jsonrpc", "close", [id]);

//--------------------- FATHOM.TOOLS --------------------------

 * @description* namespace. Provides higher level
 * utility functions and measurement tools implemented on top of lower
 * level (e.g. socket and proto) APIs. 
 * Private methods are available to internal addon pages only.
 * @exports fathom/tools
var tools = = {};

 * @description ping (udp/tcp/http) client/server implementation in
 * using nspr API directly
 * @exports fathom/tools/ping
var ping = = {};

 * @description Start a ping client. The implementation runs a ping client
 * in a ChromeWorker thread and reports results either incrementally or
 * at completion. The implementation supports the following methods:
 *    - xmlhttpreq : Browser XmlHttpRequest HEAD request, no other payload. 
 *                   Works with any destination.
 *    - http       : HTTP HEAD using Fathom tcp socket, no payload. Works
 *                   with any destination.
 *    - ws         : WebSocket based ping. Works only with the measurement 
 *                   server(s).
 *    - udp        : UDP ping using Fathom sockets. Works between Fathom
 *                   nodes and with the measurement server(s).
 *    - tcp        : TCP ping using Fathom sockets. Works between Fathom
 *                   nodes and with the measurement server(s).
 * @param {function} callback - The callback function to invoke when
 *                              results are available.
 * @param {string} dst - The host to ping.
 * @param {object} opt - The command line arguments. Valid keys include:
 * count (default 3), interval (default 1000ms), packetsize (default 56B), 
 * proto (xmlhttpreq, ws, http, udp - default), port (default 5790), 
 * timeout (default 10s).
 * @param {boolean} incrementaloutput - Send incremental output (optional - 
 * default false).
ping.start = function(callback, dst, opt, incrementaloutput) {
    makereq(callback, "", "start", [dst, opt], incrementaloutput);

 * @description Start ping server.
 * @param {function} func The callback function to invoke when
 * results are available. First callback returns the server id.
 * @param {object} opt The command line arguments. Valid keys include:
 * proto (default udp), port (default 5790).
 * @param {boolean} incrementaloutput - Send incremental output (optional - 
 * default false).
ping.server_start = function(callback, opt, incrementaloutput) {
    makereq(callback, "", "start", [opt], incrementaloutput);

 * @description stop running ping server.
 * @param {number} id The id returned by the start call.
ping.server_stop = function(callback, id) {
    makereq(callback, "", "stop", [id]);

 * @description iperf (client/server) implementation using nspr API
 * directly.
 * @exports fathom/tools/iperf
var iperf = tools.iperf = {};

 * @description Start iperf (args.c -> client or args.s -> server).
 * @param {function} func The callback function to invoke when
 * results are available.
 * @param {object} args command line arguments, these match more or less
 * the arguments (naming and values) that you can give to commandline
 * iperf.
iperf.start = function(callback, args) {
    makereq(callback, "tools.iperf", "start", [args], true);

 * @description stop running iperf server.
 * @param {number} id The id returned by the start call.
iperf.stop = function(callback, id) {
    makereq(callback, "tools.iperf", "stop", [id]);

 * @description Do we have Internet connectivity ?
tools.isConnected = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "tools", "isConnected", []);

 * @description Resolve the IP address of the given hostname using Fathom DNS 
 * and sockets implementations. 
 * @param {string} hostname The hostname to resolve.
 * @param {string} server   The DNS server to use (optinal, default is to lookup the system DNS server(s)).
 * @param {number} port     The server port (optional, defaults to 53)
tools.dnsLookup = function(callback, hostname, server, port) {
    makereq(callback, "tools", "dnsLookup", [hostname, server, port]);

 * @description Do network neighbour discovery.
 * @access private
 * @param {Array} protocols - List of discovery protocols, valid values: 'local', 'route', 'internet', 'upnp', 'mdns', 'ping', 'arptable'.
 * @param {number} timeout - Discovery timeout (in seconds). Applies to upnp, mdns and ping.
tools.discovery = function(callback, protocols, timeout) {
    makereq(callback, "tools", "discovery", [protocols, timeout]);
tools.discovery.addononly = true;

 * @description Fathom remote API implementation. Includes discovery and
 *              API server(s) and client functions. Implemented on top of
 *              the JSONRPC protocol using multicast for discovery, udp for
 *              the API calls. To use these methods you do not have to list 
 *              the underlying APIs or particular destinations in 
 *              the manifest, they are allowed implicitely when requesting
 *              the tools.remoteapi.* functionality.
 * @access private
 * @exports fathom/tools/remoteapi
var remoteapi = tools.remoteapi = { addononly : true };

 * @description Start remote API servers (sets the browser visible to other 
 *              Fathoms and serves incoming RPC calls).
 *              Does nothing if API is already enabled.
 * @access private
remoteapi.start = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "tools.remoteapi", "start", []);
remoteapi.start.addononly = true;

 * @description Stop remote API servers (unless somebody else is using it).
 * @access private
remoteapi.stop = function(callback) {
    makereq(callback, "tools.remoteapi", "stop", []);
remoteapi.stop.addononly = true;

 * @description Discover other nodes running Fathom (i.e. nodes that have 
 *              called remoteapi.start).
 * @access private
 * @param {Function} callback Result callback.
 * @param {int} timeout Timeout (seconds).
remoteapi.discovery = function(callback, timeout) {
    makereq(callback, "tools.remoteapi", "discovery", [timeout]);
remoteapi.discovery.addononly = true;

 * @description Make remote API requests to other nodes running Fathom.
 * @access private
 * @param {Function} callback Result callback.
 * @param {Object} node     The target Fathom node as returned by the discovery.
 * @param {string} method   The Fathom API method to call (all API methods
 *                          available subject to the page manifest).
 * @param {Array} params    The parameters for the API call.
remoteapi.makereq = function(callback, node, method, params) {
    makereq(callback, "tools.remoteapi", "makereq", [node,method,params]);
remoteapi.makereq.addononly = true;

//--------------------- FATHOM.BASELINE --------------------------

 * @description fathom.baseline.* namespace. 
 * @exports fathom/baseline
var base = fathomapi.baseline = {};

 * @description Get historical baseline measurements data. 
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * To fetch a single metric, you can use the helper methods.
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
 * @param {Array}  what  List of metrics. Valid metrics are 'cpu', 'load', 
 *                       'tasks', 'mem', 'traffic', 'wifi' and 'rtt'. 
 *                       Undefined defaults to all metrics.
base.get = function(callback, range, what) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    if (!what) what = ['cpu','load','tasks','mem','traffic','wifi','rtt'];
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", [what,range]);    

 * @description Get historical CPU usage data from the baseline measurements. 
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
base.getCPU = function(callback, range) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", ['cpu',range]);    

 * @description Get historical CPU load data from the baseline measurements. 
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
base.getLoad = function(callback, range) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", ['load',range]);    

 * @description Get historical CPU tasks data from the baseline measurements. 
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
base.getTasks = function(callback, range) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", ['tasks',range]);    

 * @description Get historical memory usage data from the baseline measurements.
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
base.getMem = function(callback, range) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", ['mem',range]);        

 * @description Get historical network usage data from the baseline 
 * measurements.
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
base.getTraffic = function(callback, range) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", ['traffic',range]);        

 * @description Get historical wifi performance data from the baseline 
 * measurements.
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
base.getWifi = function(callback, range) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", ['wifi',range]);    

 * @description Get historical network delay performance data from 
 * the baseline measurements.
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
base.getRTT = function(callback, range) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", ['rtt',range]);        

 * @description Get historical network locations from the baseline
 * measurements.
 * Returns approximately the last 'range' of values (if available).
 * @param {string} range One of 'latest', 'day' (default), 'week', 'month', 'year'.
base.getEnv = function(callback, range) {
    if (!range) range = 'day';
    makereq(callback, "baseline", "get", ['env',range]);        